Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This cultural practice is very strange to me! I can't believe over one million teenagers are shutting themselves in! I think it's nuts. I could not imagine staying in a room without human contact for that long! I just couldn't do it!
I think that people who are depressed like these people arn't going to benefit from not being around anyone. If someones depressed they need to find something that will get them out of the depression- something that will make them happy and maybe smile!
I can't believe people really practice something like this!

Español II

In Spanish to show something in past tense you change the ending on a word to show it. In Spanish you use preterite to show that you did something. To describe what you did, you use imperfect tense. In English you add an -ed to the end of a word to show that it was in a past tense. They both describe actions and use verbs to explain what they did.
Over the summer I played golf almost everyday! It was a very time consuming sport. I spent a lot of time with my Grandma over the summer, helping her out. I read a lot and cleaned my house almost everyday. Other than that I had a pretty boring summer!

Monday, September 28, 2009


The difference between seperate bathrooms are that in Japan people have a different room for the bathtub and another room where you wash and get ready to take the bath, while in a traditional American home there's just one room for everything.
In Japan it's polite to take off your shoes before you enter anyones house, as where in my home you may keep your shoes on while you come over and visit!
The tatami in Japan is like a rug in America. The difference is that the tatami can be used as like a bed. You can put the futon on it and it's got springs and it very soft.
In Japan to have a tea party there is a lot of preprations that have to be made. Whereas I were to have a tea party i would just make tea and sit around and talk.
The Japanese gardens are made in almost every traditional Japanese house. In America it isn't necaccery to have a garden.
Here in America we have doors that keep out cold and keep in heat. In Japan doors arn't so privite and can hardly seperate tthe house from the outside!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Los Aztecas estaban vivos de 13 centry to 1521.
Los Aztecas habian sacrafises de humanos.
Era illegal por los Aztecas a los drink en público until la edad la 70!
Los hombres tenían más de wives.
Ellos que habían de stone calendars.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Español 2

Un bueno amigo es una persona que confido en. Una persona tú comparto. Una persona dejo plantada.
Un malo amigo es una persona que discuto. Una persona el chisme. Una persona que es un mentiro.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Foreign Language class

My impression in Foreign Language class is that it is pretty interesting! I also think that it is useful, even so now. I went to Dayton over the weekend and went past a resturant that had the word Nippon on it. I thought it was neat that I knew what it meant.
I would like to know more about their traditions. Or things they do that are completely different from us.
I would like to see places that have a lot of meaning to them. Like the city in the video that we watched that was bomed and killed about 1/3 of their poulation. Anywhere that has a history to it.