Monday, October 5, 2009

Japanese- house comparisions

Traditional Japanese homes are a lot smaller than American homes! They have less rooms and they are a lot smaller than our homes here in America. They both have the normal rooms such as an ima, ofuro, and the daidokoro I personaly like the bigger rooms! It gives people more space and I enjoy having my own space!

Japanese ofuroba are different from our bathrooms in that they have two separate rooms. They have two rooms, the ofuro one to wash and the other ofuroba has a bath that you bathe in. You don't use soap or shampoo- it's mainly just to relax. In America you have one room and you clean yourself in the bathtub.

In Japan if you enter someones home you must remove your shoes before you enter. In America it isn't neccacery to take off your getas. Yet in both places it is kind of a way to show respect to ones home or self.

Instead of using rugs in Japan like we do, they use tatami. It's like a rug except it has springs in it and they use them to put their futon on. Yet, here in America we have rugs. Which are mostly used for decorational purposes. In both America and Japan you use them as a way to make you somewhat comfortable. For us it's keeping your feet warm or for softness, and Japan to sleep and put a spring in your step :)

In Japan to have a tea party you must have a tea ceramony. It involves a lot of work and many hours of preparing. Here in America you just have people come over and use easy-made tea. Both, though, are a way to get together with friends or family.

Gardens in Japan are more common and more complex than here. You are supposed to have them to make your house peaceful. In America you do it for maybe a hobby or such. They both are used for beauty.

In Japan they have light doors that are very light and don't really seperate the inside and out. They are called shouji or fusuma. In America they are a way to keep something out. They both can seperate two things.

1 comment:

  1. great. thanks for going back and writing about this one. you did a nice job. i especially like that you take time to put pictures in the post. it just adds to its appeal.
