Monday, October 5, 2009


The samurai code told of samurai that live simple lives of people who are honest and trustworthy. They had no interest in riches or material things. They beileved that if they died in battle that their family and lord would be honored, so they had no fear of death. Over time the tradions were passed down verbally, but over time seven chief virtues emerged and became the written form of Bushido.

This was the traditonal code of the Japanese samuria which stressed courage, loyalty, self-discipline, and simple living. It determined how samuria viewed things and how they went about figuring things out. Bushido was first the samurai code. It was created by early samurai.

I think bushido is somewhat present in our everyday life. I think it can somewhat relate to our beilefs. Like not being scared of dying and to be loyal or trustworthy. They are the "idealistic" people to be. Peaceful people. I beileve if everyone was like the samurai then our world would be less violant and people may be more respectful. The morals of the samurai are one's that we should all instill in ourselves sometime or another. I think they could help you get somewhere in life, more so then how some American's act.

1 comment:

  1. very good, britt. and i completely agree. i wish more americans observed some form of bushido and the samurai code of ethics. we would be a better place.
